Google Search Ranking Factor API Leaked

Google caught in their lies with leaked API docs


Google claimed they don’t use a “domain authority” metric, but the docs show they totally do - it’s called “siteAuthority.”

Google said clicks don’t affect rankings, but there’s a whole system called “NavBoost” that uses click data to change search results.

Google denied having a “sandbox” that holds back new sites, but yep, the docs confirm it exists.

G assured us Chrome data isn’t used for ranking, but surprise! It is.

The number and diversity of your backlinks still matter a lot.

Having authors with expertise and authority helps.

Putting keywords in your title tag and matching search queries is important.

Google tracks the dates on your pages to determine freshness.

A lot of long-held SEO theories have been validated, so trust your instincts.

Creating great content and promoting it well is still the best approach.

We should experiment more to see what works, rather than just listening to what Google say
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can we get this docs?

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