I have Question about flippa website

when I analysis the filppa’s websites, the owner of the website has mentioned the stats of his website, as he mentioned his website getting monthly 12k visitors but when I checked the visitor of his website on semrush, semrush showing only 1k organics so what’s the difference ? how we can check the really status of that website? should we consider thing thing or not!

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If you want to check the correct answer i.e. correct traffic of any website, then you can check it from the search console of the website.

Dont check in any SEO tools.

Those tools are for idea only.

On same listing they have provided details of traffic from Google analytic and search console.

So check those stats.


Hi Vikash Sir, I have a site with 600+ Daily (India) Traffic can you Connect me with a buyer. ifyou know anyone! And what should be the price

This is not a place for site selling.

Can you help me to find a buyer


Already there are videos.

Follow that.

Thanks :pray: