I sold Adsense Site in 15k (Inr) on a site hit by Google updates

I started one India based micro niche site in October. The site was growing very good from the beginning. At it’s starting one month was getting like 10-15 visit per day.

The site keeps on growing till March when it hit 100+ visitors per day. And after the update the whole traffic went to zero.

Things to note that as it was a micro niche site I had not worked very much in this site. There was a total of 12 posts. The word count of articles is around 400 to 700 words.

After waiting few days after update, as I saw there is no sign of recovery. I thought of selling it.

The site was adsense approved for almost 2 months. But that was in my main adsense. So I reapplied with a new email for selling and luckily got approval in 2 days.

Note: You can use multiple adsense on a same website and Google approves it.

Here is a screenshot of selling site and search console: (Sold today 17/3/24 in telegram)

Many people might think 15k is a good deal or might get higher but I thought 15k is good for that site as had not to do work that much hard.

Can’t upload more than one media :slight_smile: so search console in reply.



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Can you tell me how you sell it? And from where you get a buyer for the website?

congrats, keep going, selling, and making money :hugs:

I think you should wait for whole March. Because it will take time to role out. Btw congratulations :tada:

Can you tell what was the niche of the site? & was it in hindi or english

Hi Hello Everyone If you people have a time then you can See my Post! My English is weak SO please ignore mistakes.
I want to share some important information with you about the **new Google March Update. *
First, I want to share my Search Console data with you.

Is You people can see my search console data my site was hit by update and for five days I did not get any traffic but after this my site start recovering.
So we should want to wait for one month after that you can do some changes.


Hello Pritam bhai, I have same question as Priyanka mam has asked. Can you please give us some idea on the niche and posts type. Thanks :pray:

First of all welcome to the Forum.

and thanks for posting your first case study.

I wish you - Post such 100+ case studies in upcoming future.

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