I see many make apk site or one page blog micro niche site.
Is it possible make this one page of micro niche site in 2024.
Vkash bro help me.
I see many make apk site or one page blog micro niche site.
Is it possible make this one page of micro niche site in 2024.
Vkash bro help me.
Anyone help me. I am new so please share your thought.
Yes, you can start a single-page micro-niche site, and it all depends on the keyword, people’s intent, and the type of niche you choose.
So, better analyse competitor websites and check the top 10 results. It might be helpful for you.
Is it possible make it blogger.com
I show a vid on youtube, blogger will not allow you to provide copyright content like (apk, video etc).
And if you use other hosting provider, if they get complain from the official site that you are using there copyright material without permission, your complete hosting account will get suspended.
So, do it on your own risk.
Oo.k brother. Thanks for comment