Should I work on such site?

Hi there, I found one niche site, the site have very good traffic from USA+ other countries. Articles are also below 100 and the site is 3 year old with a 29 DA, but I am confuse to choose it, because it hase 2500 refering domain. So, should I work on such site.

Is it possible to beat by adding more number of article compare to site?

Please help!

Can you make 2500 RDs??

I dont think so it is possible for a beginner

find more competitors and research on different niches.

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Bhai I want to share my insight on choosing the best niche

There are lots of niche as we know

But we always follow our capacity method

It depends on you how much effort you can put and for which time you can continue

As you tell, that site has 2500RDs which is not possible in 6 months for new blogger

And it’s quite possible that he take backlink from high authority sites(high price)

So ask yourself either I have budget or not

Anyhow, my suggestion is same as @Yashraj

Don’t work on it, it’s not suitable for you