Website without adsense


I have a website on celebriti niche. It was adsense approved in last October on first attempt itself. But as I am not working on that site now, I wanted to sell it. But my adsensee was linked to my personal gmail account. So I by mistake disconnected the site from adsense account without getting approval on the different gmail .

Now I am trying to get approval on same site by different gmail, just to sell it. But its rejected twice. Not sure what the reason. Answer from adsense is attached below. Please assist what can be done in this situation. I have to sell it any cost.

That’s your mistake, you shouldn’t delete it from existing AdSense account. You should transfer that AdSense account to another email, so you can sell the website along with the non-personal email…

I don’t know if it will be approved again… But keep trying for approval!

That’s sad, you can apply for the approval again, you can also watch this video, this may help you.

I wasn’t aware of the process. Infact I asked for the process in different groups, didn’t get any proper answer. So I did it by mistake.

Will keep trying.

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Thank you… let me watch it.

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