Confusion Regarding Niche Site Selection in Flippa Method

I have one confusion regarding the flippa method. I found a good site in motion invest, the site met all the requirements as you have explained in detail in the video. The site also earning decent. But, my question is even after earning good the site is not sold in the motion invest and I have seen quite a few sites whose earnings are good but still not sold in motion invest.

Then, should I choose that niche site or Should I only choose those sites which are earning + sold? Please clarify this confusion.

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It’s not necessary to pick sold websites only… You are here to earn, which you can do by choosing these sites and doing good work on them.


it takes time to sell a site, and I have seen sites getting sold in motion invest a bit slower than in Flippa, you can either wait till it gets sold, if you have a mindset of selling, or you can start the blog to earn via Adsense.

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Check net profit or earning of the website, if it is making decent dollars per month, you can go for it. It will be sold out definitely :+1: