When To Apply On The AdSense

When To Apply On The AdSense?

@bloggervikash @bloggervikash1 @Sky @AnishShera @Yashraj @Prabhat

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If you want to apply for Adsense, then consider below points.

  • At least write 30-40 Orignal Articles
  • Make Internal Links
  • Create Important Pages
  • Place the Pages on the Homepage - Header or Footer
  • Don’t Copy Others Content or :x: Use AI Content
  • Don’t Use Other Blogs Images or the Style.

Do This Before Applying to Adsense, You will get Approval!


There is no fixed time brother.

If your site has traffic, apply for the AdSense.

Do write good content, this is important.

I would say if I met these conditions?

  • Basic requirements of website as per Viaks Bhai Adsense video guidance.
  • Does my website get good Organic traffic (No matter what is post count or anything)

When to apply for AdSense ?

Its depends on your goals and strategy

1.if you plan to work on your site: Focus on generating traffic first. Applying for AdSense without sufficient traffic won’t earn you much from ads, and it can also slow down your site and negatively affect its ranking.

2.If you just want to sell your site: Ensure that the site meets all AdSense requirements before applying. I recommend watching “Blogger Vikash” AdSense video on YouTube for detailed guidance. Once your site meets the necessary criteria, you can apply for AdSense and proceed with your plans to sell it.

Apply for the AdSense after getting decent traffic.

Without traffic AdSense is of no use.

So first focus on keyword research and writing quality article to bring traffic.

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Apply for Adsense only when traffic on your website increases.

Let me know how much traffic in a day considered decent traffic ammount…?

Let me know, how much traffic in a day is considered a decent traffic amount…?