After seeing Vikash Bhai’s Hindi site sold for 35k shared in Telegram group. then, I thought I will sell the site, for that I posted articles on previous draft article and some new article. After Google Broad Core Update, my site was not hit but my site traffic was down due to BikeDekho and other sites written on high traffic keyword.
So, I wrote some new articles and my traffic suddenly hike from 50 to 500-800. I decided to sell it.
I joined Facebook pages but didn’t find potential buyers and some of Indian want USA based site. So, i posted a comment on vikash bhai’s telegram group. Member of telegram group asked me, will you sell the your site, I dealed with a person, who agreed with 28k, but he is AdSense loader. I have doubt on him, as I doubt, he told add recovery gmail on AdSense gmail, but I told him, do half payment, then I will add the gmail, he said after transferring all I will payment you. But I didn’t trust I said do you have payment proof dealing of AdSense selling and buying. He told me I have reputation in the market why I will do fraud.
Then, I met a person who sold his site. He told me he dealed person who agree to half payment. But he has condition, send Aadhar card and pan card, we send ID cards each other if anyone do fraud, so we can make case in him.
I transferred him domain he send 10k and after adding recovery gmail and phone number he send me 11k. So, I earned my income from selling site for 21k. Then, I removed gmail and I said him delete given documents he no problem there is no issue, but I said delete id photo, I deleted my documents in WhatsApp, as I thought after deleting from everyone, there will be no documents in his phone.
So, I thought sold my site very low price. What do you think, let me know in comments.
Any grammar mistake made in article, sorry for that